
How Many Paragraphs Is an Essay?

For example, if you’re writing about capitalism, you could also discuss Karl Marx’s critiques of the economic system. The best arguments are clear and direct, and your paper should strive to be the same. Look to see if you’ve repeated any information in your paper, and delete any redundant points. Word counts exist for many reasons—print publications, for example, have them to ensure stories can fit in a defined space in a newspaper, magazine, or book.

how to make an essay shorter

Rewrite the sentences to make them shorter, get rid of unnecessary transitions, and delete adverbs and adjectives if their number is too high. Use spellcheckers to define weaknesses and correct them. Making your essay easy to read and follow doesn’t always mean it helps them be concise.

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Editing is more important than the actual writing to write well for most people. Your teacher is doing you a great service by limiting the amount you can write. If you saw what the majority of students turn in for homework, you would understand perfectly why there is either a maximum or minimum for writing assignments. If you use an assignment written by writers, it should be referenced accordingly.

  • Don’t do so too early in the process, but keep in mind, cutting can be a great brain break when you’re blocked on how to generate new ideas and other essays.
  • The intro should contain no more than 6-7 sentences, and the conclusion only needs 3-4 sentences.
  • If you follow the above tips, it will be easier to shorten your essays.
  • Keep the introduction and conclusion under 75 words each.

Here at EssayEdge, one of the most common requests we receive from customers is to help them shorten an essay so that it meets a set word, character, or page limit. This highlights one of the many challenges posed by admissions essays. For example, instead of writing “utilize,” you can write “use.” Removing them can help to make your writing more concise and to the point. In this article, I’ll give you 8 easy tips to help you reduce the word count in your essays without compromising the quality of your writing.

Use the Best Verb

These extra words rob prose of energy by making language convoluted and just plain how to make an essay shorter fluffy. The following words and phrases can almost always be cut from an essay.

  • Trying to build up your argument not only adds more words but may also weaken it, especially if you’re using unnecessary words.
  • I’m guessing this is some sort of University assignment, and let’s just say that anyone who grades written assignments on a regular basis is wise to this sort of trick.
  • Anyone who complains about writing too much doesn’t know what a real writing problem is.
  • Check out our Practical Strategies Course to learn further strategies and tactics for coaching students to revise effectively.

If your essay doesn’t respond to the prompt, you likely won’t receive full credit. Expressing ideas and views concisely is a valuable skill. As a screenwriter, I know all the formatting cheats in the world.

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There is always room for flexibility in your essay to allow you to put all the information you need into it. The only requirement from a definition standpoint is that an essay has at least three paragraphs. There are some steady guidelines you can use to help determine the paragraph count you should aim for, however, which we’ll take a look at now. Remember that you don’t want to put too much information in a paragraph, nor do you want to put unrelated information together. A good rule of thumb is that every time you begin talking about a new point or topic, start a new paragraph.

how to make an essay shorter

The most general statement in your essay is the thesis because it summarizes the entire essay. And the most specific parts of your essay are examples. If you’ve cleaned up all your sentences and removed all repetitive content, and you still need to lose hundreds of words, the Zooming Out technique will really help. The only case where you would do Zooming Out first would be if you had to shorten your essay drastically – by 30% or more. Look for repetitive phrases, sentences, and even passages in your content and remove them. Overused phrases in a company or industry lose all meaning.

Replace helping auxiliary verbs and use a stronger verb

You must use the active voice if you follow plain language rules. It assists you in simplifying your message and saying precisely what you want to say. The Hemingway App assists you in identifying passive essay outline high school voice. Most adverbs and adjectives weaken strong verbs and nouns, which weaken the power of your writing. Omit unnecessary adverbs and adjectives to make your writing stronger and more concise.

Besides, it makes you formulate your arguments and ideas as clearly and concisely as you can. Don’t be afraid to hit “Enter.” Numerous students are scared of dividing their text into smaller parts while writing. They are afraid that paragraphs of 3-4 sentences will be considered unprofessional by the instructors. However, to make your text more readable, you have to hit “Enter” regularly. Aim to express one single idea in one paragraph with one valid piece of evidence to support it. Schools impose word limits to make sure students do not stuff their writing with lengthy phrases and learn to write clearly. Another reason is to ensure equality so that everyone does the same amount of research.

Turn a passive sentence into an active sentence

If you’re unsure about which sources are relevant, or which types of sources you should be gathering, talk with your instructor. Check with your instructor and find out what citation style you should use. Pare every sentence down to the barest meaning, remove unnecessary adjectives, stop repeating yourself, etc.

how to make an essay shorter

And reframes like “revision is a sport” are useful—it’s really easy to get attached to words and phrasing. So practice unattaching yourself by making cutting a game. In fact, you really can’t write a great essay that’s vulnerable, unique, and detailed unless you first give yourself permission to explore a variety of ideas and scenes. So if you’re still early in the writing process, you’ll want to wait to actually use the strategies below.

5 Eliminate unnecessary prepositional phrases

The readers remember what they’ve just read, so a brief recall of the critical points will suffice to make your argument clear. When trying to choose which sentence, paragraph, or section to cut out from your essay, go for the content that you know is not the best.

Explain how you understand your purpose in studying vet medicine, and tell me what your career goals are. If you’re struggling to keep your essay within a set amount of space, take a look at the following tips. Let’s go over the most important dos and don’ts of intros and look at some outstanding introduction paragraph examples for inspiration. Anyone who complains about writing too much doesn’t know what a real writing problem is. If your paper is not long enough and you need to make an essay longer, there are some tips and tricks you can use to stretch what you’ve written longer. This recommendation puts you into the reader’s shoes and lets you cut out all the wordy and strange-sounding passages.

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This paragraph is the first one that the reader sees, so it makes sense to focus some effort on writing it well. Besides, in many cases, it also sounds wordy and indirect. Therefore, you try to avoid it, using active voice whenever you can. Break down several points in a bulleted list if your paper format allows it. This method helps you shorten the paragraph by removing all the transition phrases.

Here you provide all the essential points from the body paragraphs in a single sentence. Make sure it lacks filler information like examples or your speculations. Eliminate “dangling words.” A dangling modifier can be challenging to identify at times.



Easily and it can lead to some open conversation with the teacher or monitor. Children will learn what they can do better next time and how to avoid conflict.

This is a funny sketch video about how playing a trick on someone can backfire and have consequences! Students in detention can talk about how sometimes playing tricks is all in fun and other times not worth the risk and could have serious consequences for misbehavior. This worksheet sends students to the College Navigator website to look college admissions essay editing services up retention rates and financial aid information on the college of their choice. This assignment can be used as an exit ticket, an add-on to a financial aid project, or put into a class discussion assignment. I have a “hoozit” place on my board where I pin no-name papers. Iteach first grade and started this technique when I taught 2nd.

Detention tasks: Creative, mundane, productive

In 2016, the Obama administration required states to address racial disparities in special education under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, but DeVos delayed the implementation of these requirements. In 2014, the United States Department of Justice and the Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights issued guidance to reduce racial disparities in suspension and expulsion.

detention writing assignments

It will be less of a punishment and more of a way to help people. Time will go by faster, and they will have the opportunity to do something for the greater good. If they are in detention because they created a mess, for example, making them clean it up can be a fitting punishment.Students can also be assigned to help the principal, administrator, or other staff members. Repercussions like these can help change student’s perspectives and behavior. The first step to making detention effective is allowing students to reflect on their behavior and solve their problems in a positive environment. Writing assignments and short one-on-one sessions with a supervisor can impact the student’s behavior. When supervisors take an optimistic viewpoint about detention, it can be more rewarding for the students.

How effective and fair is detention?

Color any boxes with an answer less than 10 yellow and any with an answer 10 or greater blue,” I guarantee you step #1 is gone from his mind, and it doesn’t matter that he’s supposed to automatically put his name on every paper as soon as he gets it. The teacher has effectively overwritten that instruction in his mind. So, as a mom, I’d ask that any teacher struggling with this issue in the classroom consider what would work best for each student as well as for the teacher, and make sure students aren’t being penalized or shamed for something that is beyond their control.

At a minimum, permitting staff to communicate with or monitor youth online could open the door for actions that cross professional or ethical boundaries. Religion.Facilities must accommodate youth rights to religious exercise.

Rewarding good behavior

Today, 19 states allow the use of corporal punishment in schools, including Arkansas, a state that ranks 13th in the country for highest disciplinary disparity between Black and white students. In general, special education students may be excluded from their programs for up to ten school days per school year just as any other student. Staff in juvenile and adult detention and correctional facilities play a critical role in keeping youth residents safe, ensuring they receive services, and protecting their rights. As this chapter demonstrates, staff responsibilities are broad—ranging from providing youth with programming to maintaining a safe, clean, and humane facility environment. Language Services and Cultural Competency.To comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Executive Order 13166, staff must take reasonable steps to ensure that LEP youth have meaningful access to facility programs and activities. Facilities should maintain adequate staffing to address the language needs of residents, including any necessary interpretation or translation services.

  • Enacted in 2003, the Prison Rape Elimination Act is the principal federal law that addresses sexual violence in juvenile and adult confinement facilities.
  • Students who violate any of the rules will be removed from the in-school room and an out-of-school suspension will replace the original consequence.
  • And now you might be wondering what you can do to help students really learn something while they are in detention.
  • Give students paper and oil pastels or watercolors to work with.
  • Students may miss the school bus because of the detentions.

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High School Intentional Non

Can you make them get outside and do some gardening or something like that? My high school tried that out and it was very successful. When the kids knew that it wouldn’t just be sitting silently for an hour and involved actual admission essay editing services physical labor detentions decreased dramatically. We had to write one word per block in the grid and fill all three pages of grids. Word got out about how bad the detentions were and no one messed with him in class.

Detention, commonly misspelled and rightly so, detension. It could be a mundane activity that a student undertakes as part of the “punishment in which he or she must stay at school after others have gone home” or it could be made into a time for introspection. Teachers think that if they use punch balls in the dentition room it will cause more aggressive behavior. On the contrary, children need to vent because sometimes life isn’t fair. We have needed to change the old measure for decades and think creatively about time-outs. This is a great way to get kids to do something with their hands while they are working on their self-portraits they can have guidance and assistance from the teacher. This activity will relax them and put them at ease so they can reflect on any bad behavior.

State Laws and Regulations

Takes this technique one step further by assigning team captains who collect papers, check for names, and turn in papers to her. She immediately checks for no-name papers & hands any back to the team captain to find who them belongs to.

LUNCH DETENTION RULES1) A student will serve the lunch detention after they have been notified by the Dean of Students2) Students are to report on time to the Main Office. A letter to notify parents about concerns and issues you are seeing in the classroom with their child. This form may be modified with your contact information and is designed to be printed on school letterhead. A form to help teachers and parents keep track of a kids behavioral progress by noting such areas as respectfulness and behavior. A form for students to keep in their notebooks in order to help them organize assignments. Created in a table format so teachers can easily type in chapter assignments, this form can be printed out and carried with the student for easy updates.

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The school shall insure the student’s safety and adequate transportation before removing the student from school on an emergency basis for a disciplinary offense. In advance of the hearing, the student shall have the right to review the student’s record and the documents upon which the principal/designee may rely in making a determination to suspend the student. Written notice may be made by hand delivery, first-class mail, certified mail, email, or other delivery method agreed upon by the principal/designee and the parent. Similar to ADA, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits disability discrimination. Whereas the ADA applies to facilities operated by state and local agencies, regardless of whether they receive federal funding, the Rehabilitation Act applies to facilities run by federal agencies, such as the U.S. Bureau of Prisons, and to any state or local agency that receives federal funding. Facilities that run afoul of the Rehabilitation Act risk the suspension or termination of federal funding, as well as court-ordered remedies and monetary damages.

detention writing assignments

All school personnel, including teachers, administrators, volunteers, and all employees are required to undergo student discipline training. Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports programs examine disciplinary issues, attempt to reduce the severity of punishment for students, and provide increased support for students who have emotional and detention writing assignments behavioral disorders. PBIS programs are supported by the United States Department of Education Office of Special Education ProgramsTechnical Assistance Center and have been used by schools across the United States. Discipline is a set of actions determined by the school district to remedy actions taken by a student that are deemed inappropriate.

Rules and Policies

If you violate a policy multiple times, you will receive a warning or detention. There are several standard detention policies students must follow. Teachers are strict during detention, and there will be no time for talking, drawing, or sleeping. Before detention starts, the administrator will speak with the students about the guidelines they must follow during detention. Faculty members have the jurisdiction to assign these detentions on any school day. Students serving detention are given time to mull over their misconduct and think of ways to improve.

detention writing assignments

THIS. I’m VERY strict in my 8th grade science classroom, but I’m never mean. 95% of my students have risen to meet my expectations, including several who regularly get written up in other classes. I believe that having integrity – being honest and then sticking to my word – helps students choose to act respectfully and responsibly in my classroom. The first 9-Weeks, I hung them on the board for them to claim.

These measures have the potential to increase apathy and defiance. They can jeopardize teachers’ and staff’s efforts to build relationships and trust. Finally, they can have a negative effect on a student’s academic performance. Another way detention can be more effective is through service projects. Doing something positive for the campus and the environment can be a great learning opportunity for these kids.

  • Detention can range from missing lunch breaks to more brutal forms, such as writing pointless sentences thousands of times or serving as a teacher’s photocopying assistant after school.
  • One way to help students actually learn and take away meaning from their mistakes is through a lunch workshop.
  • If a student severely needs to be punished, detention can occur on Friday evenings or Saturdays.
  • Students serving detention are given time to mull over their misconduct and think of ways to improve.