Paraphobia– Fear of sexual perversion
Pagophobia– Concern about ice or frost. Panthophobia– Concern about suffering and you may condition. Panophobia otherwise Pantophobia– Anxiety about what you. Papaphobia- Fear of the newest Pope. Paralipophobia– Anxiety about neglecting responsibility otherwise obligations. Parasitophobia– Anxiety about parasitic organisms. Paraskavedekatriaphobia– Anxiety about Tuesday brand new 13th. Parthenophobia– Fear of virgins or girls. Pathophobia– Concern with disease. Patroiophobia– Concern about heredity. Parturiphobia– Concern with childbirth. Peccatophobia– Concern about sinning otherwise imaginary criminal activities. Pediculophobia– Concern about lice. Pediophobia– Concern with dolls. Pedophobia– Concern with college students. Peladophobia– Anxiety about bald anyone.. Peniaphobia– Fear of impoverishment. Phagophobia– Fear of ingesting otherwise of eating otherwise of being eaten. Phalacrophobia– Fear of as hairless. Phallophobia– Concern about a cock, esp erect. Pharmacophobia– Concern with taking drug. Phasmophobia– Anxiety about spirits. Phengophobia– Concern about daylight or sunshine. Philemaphobia otherwise Philematophobia– Anxiety about kissing. . Phobophobia– Fear of phobias. Photoaugliaphobia– Fear of blazing lighting. Photophobia– Anxiety about light. Phonophobia– Anxiety about audio babylon escort Round Rock TX otherwise sounds otherwise a person’s own voice; out-of phones. Phronemophobia– Anxiety about thought. Phthiriophobia– Concern with lice Phthisiophobia– Anxiety about tuberculosis. Placophobia- Fear of tombstones. Plutophobia– Fear of money.. Pneumatiphobia– Concern about morale. Pnigophobia or Pnigerophobia– Anxiety about choking to be smothered. Pogonophobia– Concern about beards.. Polyphobia– Concern about numerous things. Poinephobia– Fear of discipline. Ponophobia– Concern with overworking otherwise out of problems.. Potophobia– Anxiety about alcohol. Pharmacophobia– Fear of drugs. Proctophobia– Concern with rectums. Prosophobia– Concern with progress. Psellismophobia– Fear of stuttering. Psychophobia– Concern about notice. Psychrophobia– Anxiety about cold. Pteromerhanophobia– Concern with flying. Pteronophobia– Anxiety about getting tickled of the feathers. Pupaphobia – Fear of puppets. Pyrexiophobia– Anxiety about Temperature. Pyrophobia– Concern with flame.
Sexophobia– Concern about the contrary gender
Radiophobia– Fear of rays, x-rays. Ranidaphobia– Anxiety about frogs. Rectophobia– Concern with anal area or rectal illness. Rhabdophobia– Fear of becoming really punished otherwise criticized.
Samhainophobia: Concern with Halloween party. Sarmassophobia– Anxiety about love enjoy. Satanophobia– Concern with Satan. Scabiophobia– Anxiety about scabies. Scatophobia- Concern with feces. Scelerophibia– Concern with bad guys, burglars. Sciophobia otherwise Sciaphobia– Concern about tincture. Scoleciphobia– Anxiety about worms. Scolionophobia– Anxiety about school. Scopophobia otherwise Scoptophobia– Concern with getting viewed otherwise stared at the. Scotomaphobia– Fear of loss of sight inside the graphic profession. Scotophobia– Concern with dark. (Achluophobia) Scriptophobia– Concern about creating in public areas. Selachophobia– Anxiety about sharks. Selaphobia– Concern about light flashes. Seplophobia– Concern with rotting matter. Sesquipedalophobia– Concern about a lot of time words. Sitophobia otherwise Sitiophobia– Anxiety about dining or dining. (Cibophobia) Snakephobia– Fear of snakes. Personal Phobia– Concern with being examined negatively inside the public points. Sociophobia– Concern about people or people in general. Somniphobia– Concern about sleep. Sophophobia– Concern with reading. Soteriophobia – Concern with dependence on anybody else.. Spectrophobia– Concern with specters otherwise ghosts. Spermatophobia or Spermophobia– Concern about bacterium. Spheksophobia– Concern with wasps. Staurophobia– Fear of crosses or perhaps the crucifix. Stenophobia– Anxiety about narrow something otherwise locations. Stygiophobia otherwise Stigiophobia– Anxiety about hell. Suriphobia– Concern with mice. Symbolophobia– Anxiety about symbolism. Symmetrophobia– Concern with balance. Syngenesophobia– Anxiety about loved ones. Syphilophobia– Anxiety about syphilis.
Tachophobia– Concern with rates. Taeniophobia or Teniophobia- Concern with tapeworms. Taphephobia or Taphophobia– Concern with getting hidden alive or of cemeteries. Tapinophobia– Concern about becoming infectious. Technophobia– Concern about technical. Teratophobia– Anxiety about influence a great misshapen kid otherwise anxiety about creatures otherwise misshapen people. Testophobia– Fear of delivering testing. Tetanophobia- Fear of lockjaw, tetanus. Textophobia– Concern about certain fabric. Thanatophobia otherwise Thantophobia– Fear of death or dying. Theatrophobia– Anxiety about theatres. Theologicophobia– Concern with theology. Theophobia– Anxiety about gods or religion. Thermophobia– Concern with heat. Tocophobia– Anxiety about pregnancy otherwise childbearing. Tomophobia– Fear of surgical operations. Tonitrophobia– Anxiety about thunder. Topophobia– Concern with certain cities otherwise situations, eg phase fright. Toxiphobia, Toxophobia or Toxicophobia– Concern about poison or being accidently poisoned . Traumatophobia– Concern with burns. Tremophobia- Concern about shaking. Trichopathophobia otherwise Trichophobia– Anxiety about hair. (Chaetophobia, Hypertrichophobia) Triskaidekaphobia– Fear of the quantity 13. Tropophobia– Fear of moving otherwise while making change. Trypanophobia– Concern about injections. Tuberculophobia– Anxiety about tuberculosis. Tyrannophobia– Concern about tyrants.